International Journal of Energy Security and Environmental Research - Volume 1.2 | Méduse d'Or

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International Journal of Energy Security and Environmental Research - Volume 1.2

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International Journal of Energy Security and Environmental Research (ISSN 2047-3354) is focusing on the study of energy security and environmental policy and their social, cultural, political, economic and business impacts. The Journal is equally interested in empirical and theoretical contributions. The Journal was founded in early October 2011, and will appear annually. The first volume, issue one, was published in January 2013, by Markoulakis Publications. IJfESER is peer-reviewed and intends to maintain the highest academic standards.

Following the successful publication earlier this year of its inaugural special issue on EU-Russia energy relations, the International Journal of Energy Security and Environmental Research (IJfESER) is publishing a special issue on energy security in East Asia, with a focus on China.

The available scholarly work presented in this issue explore the modalities of China’s energy security strategy and its impact on the regional order in East Asia. The published articles provide, in addition, an analysis of the environmental implications of this strategy and they cover a range of energy sources, from petroleum and natural gas to renewable energy. The analytical approach to both energy security, geopolitics and the environment is interdisciplinary, and the articles combine various methodologies. The articles were peer-reviewed.

Table Of Contents (Volume 1 no. 2, 2014):

Editorial by Ivaylo Gatev and May Tan-Mullins.

Debating the Trade-offs in China’s Oil Import Security by Leo Lester, Brian Efird and Philipp Galkin.

China’s economic activities in the North Korean minerals sector: Motivations and implications by Gao Bo.

China’s Energy Activity in Central Eurasia by Ivaylo Gatev.

The Environmental Implications of Chinese State-owned Enterprises (CSOEs) investment in Africa’s energy sector by May Tan-Mullins.

Energy security and transitions to solar power: the Chinese solar industry’s impact on energy diplomacy with the US and EU by Federico Caprotti.

The potential of China’s renewable energy rise in the solar energy industry to foster win-win China-Africa relations by Harrie Esterhuyse.


  • Volume : 1
  • Numéro : 2
  • ISSN: 20473354
  • Éditeur: Markoulakis Publications
  • Langue(s) anglaise
  • Date de publication: décembre 2014

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