Journal of Hellenic Religion: Volume 8 (2014-2015) | Méduse d'Or

Méduse d'Or

Maison d'Édition - Librairie indépendante

Journal of Hellenic Religion: Volume 8 (2014-2015)

Synopsis | Information | Abonnement | Liens supplémentaires


The Journal of Hellenic Religion (ISSN 1748-7811) is a peer-reviewed Journal published annually by Markoulakis Publications for the study and analysis of ancient Greek religion, theology and mythology.

This volume include the following articles / essays:

Topography and Liminality: the Perachora Peninsula and the Sanctuary of the Heraion. By Angela Ziskowski and Daniel Lamp p. 1

Ithaque homérique dans l’espace du métier à tisser. By Maria Papadopoulos p. 27

Contributors. p. 51


  • Volume : 8
  • ISSN: 17487811
  • Éditeur: Markoulakis Publications
  • Langue(s) anglaise, française
  • Date de publication: avril 2015


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Abonnement annuel pour institutions : Print €240.00 (TTC)

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JfHR vol. 8 Cover