Journal of Hellenic Religion: Volume 3 (2009-2010) | Méduse d'Or

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Journal of Hellenic Religion: Volume 3 (2009-2010)

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The Journal of Hellenic Religion 1748-7811 is a peer-reviewed Journal published annually by Markoulakis Publications for the study and analysis of ancient Greek religion, theology and mythology.

The Journal accepts contributions of scholarly material on the above subject theme and accepts contributions in German, Greek, Spanish, English and French language.

Harrisson, Juliette — Did the Greeks imagine that the dead contacted the living through dreams?, 3: 7 – 17.

Micheelsen, Lisa — Poinas Etoisan; Punishments and Reward in Pindar’s Second Olympian, 3: 19 – 38.

Queenan, Elisa — Sparta vs. Rome: Gods, Death and the Afterlife, 3: 39 – 52.

Zacharia, Katerina — Funerary Rituals, Aeschylus’ Eumenides and Sophocles’ Antigone, 3: 53 – 65.


  • Volume : 3
  • ISSN: 17487811
  • Éditeur: Markoulakis Publications
  • Langue(s) anglaise, grecque
  • Date de publication: avril 2010


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Abonnement annuel pour institutions : Print €240.00 (TTC)

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JfHR Vol. 3 Cover