Journal of Hellenic Religion: Volume 6 (2012-2013) | Méduse d'Or

Méduse d'Or

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Journal of Hellenic Religion: Volume 6 (2012-2013)

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The Journal of Hellenic Religion (ISSN 1748-7811) is a peer-reviewed Journal published annually by Markoulakis Publications for the study and analysis of ancient Greek religion, theology and mythology.

The Journal accepts contributions of scholarly material and accepts contributions in German, Greek, Spanish, English and French language. It always provides an English abstract.

This volume include the following articles / essays:

Religion aboard ancient merchant ships. By Derek Irwin p. 1

Inô-Leucothéa: Princesse mortelle – Déesse marine sauveuse des marins et protectrice des ports. Une approche philosophique de son culte dans la tradition hellénique antique. By Maria Papadopoulos p. 19

The Argo phenomenon: An archaeological narrative and multidisciplinary approach to the myth and the ship. By Panagiota Markoulaki and Nikolaos Markoulakis p. 35

Χαλδαικη και Νεοπλατωνικη Θεολογια. By Katelis S. Viglas p. 55

Contributors. p. 77


  • Volume : 6
  • ISSN: 17487811
  • Éditeur: Markoulakis Publications
  • Langue(s) anglaise, française, grecque
  • Date de publication: avril 2013


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Abonnement annuel pour institutions : Print €240.00 (TTC)

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Le site Internet.

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JfHR Vol. 6 Cover